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Myasthenia Gravis-Friendly Exercises You Can Try at Home

Ready to exercise but not sure where to start? Try these trainer-led workouts by someone with MG.

Have you spoken to your healthcare team about exercising but don’t know where to start? Check out this collection of exercises led by Vanetta*, a personal trainer featured in A Mystery to Me, an MG United Canada docuseries.

It’s important to consult with your healthcare team before beginning any exercise program. Check with your doctor to make sure that any exercises you want to try are safe and suitable for your physical condition and where you are in your MG journey.

Depending on the extent of your myasthenia gravis (MG) symptoms, exercising may seem like a lofty goal. Symptoms like muscle weakness and fatigue may make it challenging to maintain an active lifestyle.1

But exercise is an important part of maintaining both physical and mental health and, if recommended, can be a part of your life with MG.1,2 If you and your healthcare team decide that exercise is something you want to try, it may be best to agree on a plan together and then start small and work your way up. It’s important to follow the plan as directed by your doctor.

“As a step one, try some stretching exercises and then move to more resistance-based exercise, and then more aerobic-based exercise,” said Dr. Niraja Suresh, a neurologist.

As a personal trainer, fitness was a huge part of Vanetta’s personal and professional life before she had MG, but her diagnosis temporarily put an end to her active lifestyle. However, Vanetta has learned how to slowly integrate physical activity back into her life. She makes adjustments when her muscles are weak and gives herself grace when her body needs rest. Today, Vanetta still works as a personal trainer and specializes in helping clients with MG.

Watch the video to see Vanetta’s five MG-friendly exercises that can be tailored for all fitness levels. Vanetta also created a one-month workout tracker, available below, that matches the exercises in the video.

“It’s going to take some adjustment to find out what that right exercise level is,” said Dr. Suresh. “It’s different from person to person depending on the severity of your MG.”

Watch Vanetta lead you through five MG-friendly exercises.

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Download and print the one-month workout tracker.

Want to hear more about Vanetta’s MG journey? See much more of her story in A Mystery to Me, the first MG docuseries.

  1. Gilhus, et al. Nat Rev Dis Prim. 2019;5(1):1-19.
  2. Mikkelsen, et al. Maturitas. 2017;106:48-56.


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